List Of Sura's

Al-Mu’min (The Believer)


“Same to Verse No.13”


Earlier generations too were destroyed because they rejected their


Qaroon was from Bani Israel but he did not believe in Musa (PBH) whereas there was a person from Firawn’s people who believed in Musa (PBH) and even argued with Firawn and his people in favour of Musa (PBH). This again shows that one’s being a Momin and a Muslim does not depend on one’s relationship with good or bad people see also Chapter:19 Verses 51-55 commentary.


“Same to Verse No.22”


to Firawn and Haman and Qaroon, but they said, “”(He is a) magician, a liar.””
“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


And Musa said, “”I seek the protection of my Fosterer and your Fosterer from every proud person who does not believe in the day of account.”” (R 3)
“Same to Verse No.22”


And a believing man from among Firawn’s people who had kept his belief a secret, said, “Do you kill a man (just) because he says: My Fosterer is Allah and he has come to you with clear proofs from your Fosterer? And if he is a liar then on him will be (the responsibility of) his lie, but if he is truthful, then something of that which he is threatening you (with), will afflict you. Allah certainly does not guide him who is extravagant, a liar.
“Same to Verse No.22”


O my people! Yours is the government this day and you are uppermost in the earth, but who will help us against the punishment of Allah if it comes to us?”” Firawn said, “”I do not show you anything except that which I see (good for you) and I do not lead you but to the right way.””
“Same to Verse No.22”


And he who had believed said, “”O my people! I fear for you (something) like the day of (disaster which befell the ancient) parties,
“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


the day on which you will turn your backs retreating, there will be no protector for you from Allah and he whom Allah leaves to stray, then there is no guide for him.
“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


Those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah, without (any) authority that He has given to them, it is greatly hateful in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believe. Thus does Allah set a seal on every proud, rebellious heart.””
“Same to Verse No.22”


“Same to Verse No.22”


the ways of the skies, then peep towards the God of Musa, and I definitely consider him to be a lair.”” And thus the evil of his deeds was made fair seeming to Firawn and he was turned away from the way, and the plot of Firawn (led to) nothing but to ruin. (R 4)
“Same to Verse No.22”


And he who had believed said, “”O my people! follow me I will guide you to the right way.
“Same to Verse No.22”


O my people! this life of the world is only (a temporary) provision while the hereafter, that is certainly the home for staying.
“Same to Verse No.22”