List Of Sura's

Az-Zumar (The Troops)


But those who fear their Fosterer, for them are built high palaces above which are (still) higher palaces (multistoried buildings), beneath which rivers flow, a promise of Allah, Allah does not go against His promise.
“Same to Verse No.10”


Life and death are compared to the vegetation after rain and its drying up.


Then is he, whose bosom Allah has opened for Islam so that he is (guided) by the light from his Fosterer, (like him who is in darkness)? So sorrowful is the state of those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah, they are in a clear error.
Muslims and non – Muslims are not equal.


Allah has sent down the best statements (in the form of) a book, (these statements are) similar (to each other and not contradictory and are) repeated. The skins of those who fear their Fosterer tremble (in response to the effect produced) by it, then their skins and their hearts soften towards the remembrance of Allah. That is guidance of Allah, He guides through it whom He wills, and whom Allah leaves to stray then there is no guide for him.
The influence of the Quran on pious people is described, these are not equal to sinners who will be punished.


Then is he, who will have to guard the evil punishment of the day of resurrection from his face, (like him who is safe from it)? And it will be said to those who were unjust, “”Taste that which you earned.””
“Same to Verse No.23”


“Same to Verse No.23”


“Same to Verse No.23”


The Quran revealed in Arabic does not contain any crookedness in it, it contains many similitudes so that its readers might be mindful and guard against evil.


An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may guard (against evil).
“Same to Verse No.27”


Allah sets forth the example of a man who is under (the control of many) partners differing with each other, and (another) man wholly (under the control) of one man, are the two equal in likeness? Praise is due only for Allah, no, the majority of them does not know.
Can anyone serving many bosses be happy compared to a person serving only one boss? Polytheism is compares with Monotheism.


You will certainly die and they (too) will certainly die,
All will die and will be resurrected when there will be accusations, claims, counter – claims, clarifications, excuses etc before Allah (SWT).


then on the day of resurrection, you will certainly dispute one with another in the presence of your Fosterer. (R 3, P 23)
“Same to Verse No.30”


The infidels will be punished in hell.


And he who comes with truth and he who testifies it, those are the persons who guard (against evil),
The pious will be rewarded paradise.


for them, with their Fosterer, is what they will (for), that is the reward of the doers of good,
“Same to Verse No.33”


because Allah will remove from them (the ill effect of even) the worst of that which they did, and reward them with their reward (which will be) better than that which they used to do.
“Same to Verse No.33”


The polytheist probably used to frightene Prophet Muhammed (PBH) that the false gods would harm him. Allah (SWT) assures him that He is sufficient for him and guidance totally depends on His will


And whom Allah guides, then there is none who can mislead him. Is not Allah Mighty, Inflicter of retribution?
“Same to Verse No.36”


And if you ask them, “”Who created the skies and the earth?”” Then will definitely say, “”Allah.”” Say, “”They have you considered that which you pray to, besides Allah, if Allah intends to harm me, could they remove from me His harm, or if He intends to be merciful to me, could they withhold from me His mercy?”” Say, “”Allah is sufficient for me, those who put their trust, do put their trust in Him.””
No one can stop Allah (SWT) from harming or benefiting anyone and we are to put our trust only in Him.


The infidels who think that they are the architects of their lives are asked to work according to their ability, the result of which they will come to know.