And when We made the house (Kaaba) a resort for human beings and a (place of) security (We ordered), “”And take from the place where Ibrahim stood, a place for (offering) worship (salat).”” And We made an agreement with Ibrahim and Ismael that they should clean My house for those who go around (it) and those who stay therein for devotion and those who bow down and prostrate.
“‘Masabatun’ means a resort, a place which is visited or a place where people gather repeatedly. Allah (SWT) states that He made the Kaaba such a place. History is a proof of this fact that since centuries there have been continuous streams of people visiting the Kaaba and there is hardly any time of the day or the night when it is free from visitors, still the place is full of peace. Allah (SWT) orders the visitors to offer salat near the place where Ibrahim (PBH) had stood to construct the walls of the Kaaba. The ‘Muqaam-i-Ibrahim’ or the place where Ibrahim (PBH) stood is near the present building of Kaaba, it is a stone with imprints of his feet, now enclosed in a glass case. Ibrahim and Ismael (PBT) were asked to clean Allah’s house i.e. Kaaba, probably by removing all unclean and unwanted things from its premises, so that visitors could go round Kaaba, stay there for a duration or offer Salat in a peaceful and clean atmosphere. The term ‘Baitii’ translated as ‘My house’meaning Allah’s house could give rise to a misunderstanding that Allah (SWT) is localized and confined to His house as we are. Contrary to this Allah (SWT) is Omni present i.e. He is present everywhere all the time (Chapter: 2 Verse 115). The word ‘Bait’ is normally translated as ‘a house,’ but an associated word ‘Yubaiyyituna’conveys the sense that ‘They spend the night in discussing secrets when others are not watching them’. (Chapter: 4 Verse 108) Therefore ‘Baitullah’ or the ‘House of Allah’ would convey the sense of a place where you secretly communicate with Allah (SWT) with no external disturbance, where no one else has access to what you are asking from Him, a place where you have privacy with Allah (SWT) as you have in your houses compared to roads and market places.”