List Of Sura's

At-Talaq (Divorce)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Our Prophet (PBH), through the very first revelation of the Quran, was ordered:
“Recite in the name of your Fosterer…” (Chapter 96: Verse 1) and the name of his and our Fosterer is Allah (SWT), as is evident from the very first verse of the first chapter of the Quran:
“Praise is due only for Allah (SWT), the Fosterer of the worlds”. (Chapter 1: Verse 1)
In view of this order of Allah (SWT), we should recite/read before starting the recitation or reading of the Holy Quran which is a part of the Quran, occurring at the beginning of 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran and also as part of Chapter 27: Verse 30 of the Quran. Through Chapter 16: Verse 98, Allah Taala further orders:
“So when you recite/read the Quran, seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”.
This means that we are required to pray; (Aoozu Billahi min Ash shaitaanir Rajeem) meaning: “I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”, even before reciting or reading: (Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem)

Shuru Allah ke naam se jo hum per taras kha ker faida pahunchane wala hai


Instructions are given regarding Divorce.


So when they reach (the end of) their term, then either hold them in a recognised (good manner) or separate them in a recognised (good manner). And call to witness two just men from among you and establish (correct) evidence for (the sake of) Allah. With that is advised he who believes in Allah and the period hereafter, and whoever fears Allah He will make for him a way out,
“Same to Verse No.1”


“Same to Verse No.1”


And for those of your women who have passed the age of menstruation, if you have a doubt, then their prescribed term is three months, and for those (too) who have not (yet started to) menstruate. And for the pregnant women, their prescribed term is till they lay down their burden. And whoever fears Allah, He makes his affairs easy for him.
“Same to Verse No.1”


That is the commandment of Allah, He has sent it down to you. And whoever fears Allah, He will remove from him his evil deeds and enlarge for him the reward.
“Same to Verse No.1”


Make the (divorced) women dwell (during the prescribed term) where you dwell, according to your means, and do not harm them so as to cause distress to them. And if they are pregnant then spend on them till they lay down their burden, then if they suckle (the child) for you then give them their due payment and consult among yourselves in a recognised (good manner) and if you face some difficulty, then let another (woman) suckle (the child) for him (the responsibility of payment being on the father).
“Same to Verse No.1”


Let him who has abundance spend out of his abundance, and one who has his provision straitened on him, let him spend from that which Allah has given to him. Allah does not task a soul but (to the extent of) that which He has given it. Allah will make (things) easy after difficulty. (R 1)
“Same to Verse No.1”


And how many a town revolted against the commandment of its Fosterer and His messengers, so We called it to account (that too) a severe account and We punished it (with) a severe punishment.
The consequence of earlier communities which revolted is mentioned, the believers are therefore asked to follow the Quran.


So it tasted the evil result of its affair and at the end of its affair, there was loss.
“Same to Verse No.8”


“Same to Verse No.8”


“Same to Verse No.8”


Allah is He Who created the seven skies (seven higher levels), and of the earth (seven lower levels) similar to those (of the skies) {1}. The commandment (of Allah) comes down among them that you may know that Allah has power over everything and that Allah has encompassed everything in (His) knowledge. (R 2)
“Creation of seven higher and seven lower layers associated with the earth is mentioned. (65:12) The body of our planet consists of a number of concentric shells of different materials arranged in order of increasing density. There are similar concentric shells in the atmosphere above the surface of the earth but associated with the earth. The troposphere, which contains oxygen in a proportion suitable to sustain life on earth and clouds which give rain to the earth for (the provision of food, is in direct contact with the crust on which we live and from which we derive direct benefits. If troposphere and the crust, with which we are in direct contact are clubed as one layer, then we have the following seven concentric layers which may be the seven similar layers referred to in the verse under review:

In a proportion suitable to sustain life on earth and clouds which give rain to the earth for (the provision of food, is in direct contact with the crust on which we live and from which we derive direct benefits. If troposphere and the crust, with which we are in direct contact are clubed as one layer, then we have the following seven concentric layers which may be the seven similar layers referred to in the verse under review:

7. Exosphere – Higher than 500 km 6 Thermosphere – 85 km – 500 km high 5 Mesosphere – 50 km to 85 km high 4 Stratosphere – 17 km to 50 km high 3 Troposphere – Sea level to 17 km Crust – About 40 km deep 2 Mantle – About 40 Km to 3000 Km deep 1 Core – About 3000 Km to 6400 Km deep of the Explanatory Notes.”

Seven Layers of the Earth:

The body of our planet consists of a number of concentric shells of different materials arranged in order of increasing density. There are similar concentric shells in the atmosphere above the surface of the earth but associated with the earth. The troposphere, which contains oxygen in a proportion suitable to sustain life on earth and clouds which give rain to the earth for (the provision of food, is in direct contact with the crust on which we live and from which we derive direct benefits. If troposphere and the crust, with which we are in direct contact are clubed as one layer, then we have the following seven concentric layers which may be the seven similar layers referred to in the verse under review:

In a proportion suitable to sustain life on earth and clouds which give rain to the earth for (the provision of food, is in direct contact with the crust on which we live and from which we derive direct benefits. If troposphere and the crust, with which we are in direct contact are clubed as one layer, then we have the following seven concentric layers which may be the seven similar layers referred to in the verse under review:

7. Exosphere – Higher than 500 km
6 Thermosphere – 85 km – 500 km high
5 Mesosphere – 50 km to 85 km high
4 Stratosphere – 17 km to 50 km high
3 Troposphere – Sea level to 17 km
Crust – About 40 km deep
2 Mantle – About 40 Km to 3000 Km deep
1 Core – About 3000 Km to 6400 Km deep