List Of Sura's

“Same to Verse No.18”
Origin and Evolution of the Universe:

The universe as we know it, consists of material objects such as, the earth, its occupants, all heavenly bodies like the sun, moon and the stars and everything in and around them including different types of energies associated with and independent of material objects, contained in space.

The universe did not exist in its present state since eternity but was created, as is evident from the following verse of the Quran:

“Your Fosterer is Allah Who created the skies and the earth in six periods of time, and He holds control on the throne.” (Chapter: 7 Verse 54)

Many scientists, based on the information got from the outward movement of the galaxies (expanding universe), have also concluded that the universe has not been existing in the present form since eternity.

Origin of Matter and Energy:

The universe is made up of matter and energy, therefore their origin deserves a brief discussion. Matter is known to be made up of hundred and odd elements like hydrogen’, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, iron. gold, silver etc. Each element in turn is made up of atoms. An atom of an element consists of a nucleus containing neutrons and protons around which revolve electrons. Neutrons are electrically neutral, protons are positively charged and electrons negatively charged. There are a number of other subatomic particles, but to avoid making the subject highly technical they have not been included here. Atoms of different elements contain different numbers of neutrons, protons and electrons. The simplest atom is that of hydrogen which contains one proton in its nucleus and one electron orbiting it. The helium atom contains two protons and two neutrons in its nucleus with two electrons revolving around it. Thus atoms, the building blocks of matter, are composed of electrically charged particles which indicates that matter results when energy organizes itself in a specialized form and that there is no absolute difference between matter and energy. The evidence that the universe is expanding, has made scientists infer that the substance from which the universe was created, to start with, was concentrated at one place as an incredibly dense core of radioactive neutrons. The neutron decays by emitting an electron and thus becomes positively charged i.e, a proton. The proton or hydrogen nucleus is capable of capturing more neutrons, some of which decay to form protons within the nucleus, thus building up the nuclei of heavier and heavier elements. This has given rise to the conclusion that to begin with, the universe consisted entirely of hydrogen gas from which evolved all other elements. This synthesis and evolution of elements is believed to be taking place in the present-day stars, too, where temperatures range from ten to hundred Million degrees centigrade. George Gamow is of the opinion that 250 Million years after the explosion (initiation of the expansion of the universe) radiation predominated matter and the matter of the universe remained dispersed as thin gas and later matter began to dominate over radiation.

From the above details, we draw the following conclusions:

1. Once all substance of the universe was concentrated at one place.
2. The universe was once filled with hydrogen gas
3. Earlier radiation predominated matter and
4. The universe is expanding.

The initial concentration of the substance of the universe at one place is confirmed by the Quran in the following terms:

“Have not those who do not believe considered that the skies and the earth were both joined together, then We tore both of them asunder.” (Chapter: 21 Verse 30)

On the second phase, i.e. the universe having been once filled with hydrogen gas, die Quran states:

“Then He set the balance towards the sky which was smoke, so He said to it and to the earth: come both willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.” (Chapter: 41 Verse 11)

This verse of the Quran indicates that, it was from the initial chaotic gaseous or vaporous phase that the matter which was to constitute the heavenly bodies was ordered to get separated and organised into seven skies (layers) referred to in note No. 3 under Chapter: 2 Verse 29. The third conclusion deserves some discussion. Hydrogen, the starting material contains one proton and one electron – both electrically charged particles. What was the source of these energised particles? Did they originate from the condensation of radiant energy? Was there a stage in the life of the universe when there was only radiant energy? The Quran does not state anything directly on this subject. The following verse of the Quran from Sura 24, Al-Noor, (Verse 35) appears to hint at the answer:

“Allah is the light (Noor) of the skies and the earth.”

The Arabic word Noor may mean light or radiance and in the language of science radiance would mean radiant energy or electro-magnetic radiation. Is it possible that before the creation of the universe there was nothing but Allah and His Radiance. Whatever be the source of matter and energy, according to the Quran (Chapter: 16 Verse 40) when Allah intends to do anything. He says to it “BE” and there it is still blooming with life. The fourth conclusion is supported by the Quran as follows:

“And the sky We constructed it with energy and We are the Expanders (of it). Chapter: 51 Verse

Theories of Origin of the Universe:

Geologists and astronomers generally agree that the universe, which consists of galaxies composed of stars, had developed from a great mass of gas that initially consisted mainly of hydrogen, the simplest of elements. There are two conflicting theories from the clue that the universe is expanding:

Steady State Theory:

This theory proposes that matter which is lost by the recession of the galaxies due to continuous expansion of the universe, is replaced by newly created matter, so that the observed universe is maintained in a steady stale, i.e. matter is being continuously created throughout the universe. This theory makes no mention of a specific initialing event in time or space. There is neither a beginning nor an end because matter is being continuously replenished in one place while it is being destroyed elsewhere.

Theory of Oscillating Universe:

This theory is also known as the ‘Super Dense Theory’ or the ‘Big Bang Theory”. It states that if the universe is expanding at, a known rate, then as we go back in time, the groups of galaxies must have been closer and closer and there must have been a lime when all the matter and energy constituting the universe was concentrated at one place in the form of a super dense agglomeration. By working backwards, from the observed rate of recession of galaxies, it is found that they should have been packed close together some 15 billion years ago. At about this time, it is postulated, that there was a ‘Big Bang’, as a result of which the super, dense agglomeration was scattered into multitudes of fragments, all travelling with different speeds and in different directions finally condensing to form the present day heavenly bodies. The observed expansion of the universe is a continuation of this process. This theory concentrates on a specific event as the ‘Beginning’ of the universe and conceives of a progressive evolution from that point to the present. On the problem of the origin of the universe the two verses of the Quran cited earlier, deserve repetition:

“Have not those who do not believe considered that the skies and the earth were both joined together, then We tore both of them asunder… ” (Chapter: 21 Verse 30)

“Then He set the balance towards the sky which was smoke, so He said to it and to the earth: come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said. “We come willingly.” (Chapter: 41 Verse 11)

In view of these Quranic statements, the Theory of Oscillating Universe appears to be nearer to truth than the Steady State Theory which rules out a ‘Beginning’ and is therefore against the Quran. Only one aspect of the Steady State Theory is supported by the Quran, i.e. continuous creation of matter, as it is evident from the following verse of the Quran:

“…He increases in creation what He wills, Allah certainly has power over everything.” (Chapter: 35 Verse 1)

Believing the Theory of Oscillating Universe to be correct, we can very well understand the mean¬ing of the BIG BANG which was an important step in the creation and evolution of the universe and as a result of which the universe is still expanding. This ‘BIG BANG’ was probably the ‘BE’ ordered by Allah, about which the Quran states:

“Our word for a thing when We intend it, that We say to it only ‘BE’ and it is.” (Chapter: 16 Verse 40)

This ‘BE’ probably included the complete destiny of the universe; formation of stars, planets, satellites, coming and going of man on the stage of the earth and even the end of the whole show. This statement finds support in the following verse of the Quran:

“We have created everything according to a programme (destiny – taqdir). And Our command is but one, like the twinkling of the eye.” (Chapter: 54 Verses 49 & 50)

Prophet Muhammed (PBH) is reported to have said: ‘Allah wrote the destiny (taqdir) of the creation, 50,000 years before the creation of the skies and the earth… (Narrated by Abdullah bin Omer, Muslim).

Evolution of the Universe:

From the premordial gaseous matter which had started expanding after the ‘Big Bang’, galaxies started forming some 15 billion years back. Within the slowly rotating gas, gravitational attraction gradually caused local condensation. The stars appeared when matter became sufficiently concentrated and compressed to emit energy through thermo-nuclear reactions involving conversion of hydrogen to helium. About 4.5 to 5 billion years back, the particular star which is known as the sun was still surrounded by a nebulous residue of gas and dust in which planets were forming. The earth achieved its separate existence about this lime through accretion of solid material. The earth thus appears to be one of the billions and billions of heavenly bodies which originated in a manner similar to that in which the other heavenly bodies originated. It is stated that the skies and the earth were created in six periods, but nowhere is it stated that seven skies and earth were created in six periods. Skies arc stated to be organised into seven levels in two periods:

“So, He ordained them seven skies (higher levels) in TWO periods and revealed in every sky its affairs…” (Chapter: 41 Verse 12)

The word Sama, rendered here as sky means higher or upper part of anything and hence indicates really what we see above us. This ordering of the skies into seven higher levels appears to have been done after (lie initiation of the creation of the skies and the earth.