In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Our Prophet (PBH), through the very first revelation of the Quran, was ordered:
“Recite in the name of your Fosterer…” (Chapter 96: Verse 1) and the name of his and our Fosterer is Allah (SWT), as is evident from the very first verse of the first chapter of the Quran:
“Praise is due only for Allah (SWT), the Fosterer of the worlds”. (Chapter 1: Verse 1)
In view of this order of Allah (SWT), we should recite/read before starting the recitation or reading of the Holy Quran which is a part of the Quran, occurring at the beginning of 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran and also as part of Chapter 27: Verse 30 of the Quran. Through Chapter 16: Verse 98, Allah Taala further orders:
“So when you recite/read the Quran, seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”.
This means that we are required to pray; (Aoozu Billahi min Ash shaitaanir Rajeem) meaning: “I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”, even before reciting or reading: (Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem)
Shuru Allah ke naam se jo hum per taras kha ker faida pahunchane wala hai
The commandment of Allah will come to pass so do not desire to hasten it. Glory be to Him and He is high above that which they associate (with Him as partners).
When Allah (SWT) commands, it has to be implemented. He it is Who chooses messengers to warn human beings that there is no god except Him so that they should fear Him alone. He is high above that which people wrongly associate with Him as His partners. Man did not create himself but was created by Allah (SWT) from an ordinary sperm. He also created the cattle and horses for the utility of mankind. The credit of being guided to the right path also goes to Allah (SWT). He produces the rain and grows vegetation through it. He alternates the night and the day by rotating the heavy earth. The colours too are produced by Him. The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic laws were layed down by Him, He makes the ships to sail in water and has created in it fish as food and pearls as ornaments. In the ‘Theory of Isostacy’ it is suggested that there are a set conditions of the floating blocks of light mountains and heavy ocean basins, which give equilibrium to our rotating globe, but which, if disturbed, will lead to earth movements. This implies that in the absence of mountains, the earth could have been in a continuous state of disturbance. Allah (SWT) has made the rivers, roads, landmarks, stars as means of reaching destinations, in addition to other purposes they serve. We cannot count the favours of Allah (SWT) Who alone knows everything. Allah (SWT) is One, the only Creator, rest is His creation. Some of the things which people worship are dead (idols). Allah (SWT) does not love the proud who do not recognize Him and consider the Divine message (the Quran) as a collection of the stories of the ancient people for which they will be punished.
He created man from a sperm, even then he is an open disputant {1}.
“Same to Verse No.1”
The Arabic word ‘Khaseem” means one who disputes, and every dispute involves a tussle. It must be an open tussle for one particular male sperm to reach and fertilize a specific female egg, overcoming the obstruction caused by Millions of other sperms. The pronoun ‘huwa’ meaning ‘he’ may refer to man as a finished product or man in the making, in the form of a sperm in the womb, in which case the translation of the verse would be: “He created man from a sperm when he (in the form of a sperm) was involved in an open tussle.”