In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Our Prophet (PBH), through the very first revelation of the Quran, was ordered:
“Recite in the name of your Fosterer…” (Chapter 96: Verse 1) and the name of his and our Fosterer is Allah (SWT), as is evident from the very first verse of the first chapter of the Quran:
“Praise is due only for Allah (SWT), the Fosterer of the worlds”. (Chapter 1: Verse 1)
In view of this order of Allah (SWT), we should recite/read before starting the recitation or reading of the Holy Quran which is a part of the Quran, occurring at the beginning of 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran and also as part of Chapter 27: Verse 30 of the Quran. Through Chapter 16: Verse 98, Allah Taala further orders:
“So when you recite/read the Quran, seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”.
This means that we are required to pray; (Aoozu Billahi min Ash shaitaanir Rajeem) meaning: “I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”, even before reciting or reading: (Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem)
Shuru Allah ke naam se jo hum per taras kha ker faida pahunchane wala hai
They ask you about the spoils of war, say, “”The spoils of war are for Allah and the messenger.”” So fear Allah and set right matters between yourselves and obey Allah and His messenger if you are believers.
The booty of war is to be distributed in accordance with the orders of Allah (SWT) and His messenger [See also Verse: 41].
Believers are only those whose hearts (are filled with) fear when Allah is mentioned, and when His signs are read to them, it increases them (in) faith and they put their trust in their Fosterer,
Some important qualities of the believers are described.
those are the believers in truth, for them there are ranks with their Fosterer and protective forgiveness and an honoured provision.
These Verses deal with the battle between Muslims from Madina with the Non-Muslims from Makkah fought in 2H at Badr, 3 days’ journey from Madina. A caravan of Makkan Non – Muslims was returning from Syria to Makkah. It was possible for the Muslims to stop the caravan but they did not do so. Mean while, Abu Jahal, an enemy of Islam started from Makkah with a strong army to help the caravan. Muslims were ordered to fight against the army, being assured that they would be helped through angels. They were also made fresh through sleep and rain water. In short 313 Muslims fought with 1000 infidels and defeated them. This victory gave the Prophet (PBH) new prestige. The victory was due to the help of Allah (SWT) Who had also cast terror into the hearts of Non–Muslims, indicating that if He helps them even a small unarmed group can defeat a large armed and organised group.