In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Our Prophet (PBH), through the very first revelation of the Quran, was ordered:
“Recite in the name of your Fosterer…” (Chapter 96: Verse 1) and the name of his and our Fosterer is Allah (SWT), as is evident from the very first verse of the first chapter of the Quran:
“Praise is due only for Allah (SWT), the Fosterer of the worlds”. (Chapter 1: Verse 1)
In view of this order of Allah (SWT), we should recite/read before starting the recitation or reading of the Holy Quran which is a part of the Quran, occurring at the beginning of 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran and also as part of Chapter 27: Verse 30 of the Quran. Through Chapter 16: Verse 98, Allah Taala further orders:
“So when you recite/read the Quran, seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”.
This means that we are required to pray; (Aoozu Billahi min Ash shaitaanir Rajeem) meaning: “I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”, even before reciting or reading: (Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem)
Shuru Allah ke naam se jo hum per taras kha ker faida pahunchane wala hai
The sending down of the book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
The Quran containing the truth was sent down by Allah (SWT).
Beware! religion is exclusively for Allah. And those who have taken guardians besides Him (say); “”We do not serve (worship) them, except (with the aim) that they may bring us nearer to Allah,”” Allah will certainly judge between them in that which they differ. Allah certainly does not guide him who is a liar, ungrateful.
Religion is exclusively for Allah (SWT) means that only His orders, communicated to us through the Quran, should be followed and because it is clearly stated in the Quran to obey His messenger Muhammed (PBH) 3:31-32, 4:80, we should implement the Quran in accordance with the instructions given by him. Only Allah (SWT) should be worshipped and no one else. Allah (SWT) does not have a son and He is the Only Omnipotent (All powerful) Being.
He created the skies and the earth in reality. He winds the night over the day and He winds the day over the night (which indicates that the earth rotates). And He has compelled the sun and the moon (to follow His laws), each one moves on for an appointed term. Beware! He is the Mighty, the Protectively Forgiving.
The term ‘Yukawwiru’ indicates that Allah (SWT) rotates the earth to bring about night and day. He causes the sun and the mom to follow His laws and move in orbits till a fixed time i.e. the solar system will come to an end when the sun and the moon will be brought together 75:8 – 9.
He created you from a single soul moreover He made from it, its mate, and He sent down for you eight pairs of cattle. He creates you in the womb of your mothers, creation after creation in triple darkness. This is Allah your Fosterer, His is the kingdom, there is no god except Him. How then are you turned away?
“See Chapter:4 Verse 1 Commentary for Nafs-i-Wahidah. The terms ‘Triple darkness in wombs’ is explained by many authorities as follows: The first layer providing darkness is made of the anterior abdominal wall, the second is the uterine wall and third is the layer of membranes, amnion, chorion and the deciduas sacs. This scientific information was hinted at 1450 years back. Could the author of the Quran be someone other than the Creator Allah (SWT)?”
If you are ungrateful, then Allah is certainly Independent of you, and He does not like ingratitude for His servants and if you are grateful, He likes it for you. And no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another, then towards your Fosterer is your return and He will inform you about that which you used to do, He is certainly the Knower of what the bosoms possess.
Allah (SWT) likes those who are grateful to Him. Everyone will bear his own burden of deeds.
And when harm afflicts man, he prays to his Fosterer turning towards Him, then when He grants to him favor from Him, he forgets (even) that for which he had prayed to Him earlier, and sets up equals for Allah that he may mislead (people) from His way. Say, “”Enjoy a little in your ingratitude, you will certainly be among the inhabitants of the fire.””
Allah (SWT) accepts our prayers and removes the adversity, but some people give the credit to others being ungrateful to Him, for which they will be punished.
Is he who devoutly prostrates and stands (for worship) during the hours of night, being cautious of the hereafter, and hopes for the mercy of his Fosterer (equal to one who does not do this)? Say, “”Are those who know and those who do not know equal?”” Only men of understanding are mindful. (R 1)
“The learned pious and the ignorant sinners are not equal.”
Say,””O servants (of Allah) who believe! fear your Fosterer. For those who do good in this world is good and the earth of Allah is vast. Only those who are patient will be paid back their reward without measure.””
“The learned pious and the ignorant sinners are not equal.”Prophet Muhammed (PBH) is asked to communicate some important points to the believers and his opponents.”