List Of Sura's

Al-Ma’arij (The Ways of Ascent)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Our Prophet (PBH), through the very first revelation of the Quran, was ordered:
“Recite in the name of your Fosterer…” (Chapter 96: Verse 1) and the name of his and our Fosterer is Allah (SWT), as is evident from the very first verse of the first chapter of the Quran:
“Praise is due only for Allah (SWT), the Fosterer of the worlds”. (Chapter 1: Verse 1)
In view of this order of Allah (SWT), we should recite/read before starting the recitation or reading of the Holy Quran which is a part of the Quran, occurring at the beginning of 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran and also as part of Chapter 27: Verse 30 of the Quran. Through Chapter 16: Verse 98, Allah Taala further orders:
“So when you recite/read the Quran, seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”.
This means that we are required to pray; (Aoozu Billahi min Ash shaitaanir Rajeem) meaning: “I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil”, even before reciting or reading: (Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem)

Shuru Allah ke naam se jo hum per taras kha ker faida pahunchane wala hai


A questioner asked about the punishment to fall.
The end and life after death is described.


For the infidels, there will be no defender for it.
“Same to Verse No.1”


(It will be) from Allah, Possessor of the ways of ascent.
“Same to Verse No.1”


“Same to Verse No.1”


So be patient with the patience that is good.
“Same to Verse No.1”


“Same to Verse No.1”


while We see it near.
“Same to Verse No.1”


The day when the sky will become like molten brass
“Same to Verse No.1”


and the mountains will be like coloured wool
“Same to Verse No.1”


and (even) an intimate friend will not inquire from another intimate friend
“Same to Verse No.1”


(though) they will be made to see each other. The criminal would love to ransom himself from the punishment of that day by (sacrificing even) his sons,
“Same to Verse No.1”


and his wife and his brother
“Same to Verse No.1”


and his family which gave him shelter,
“Same to Verse No.1”


and whosoever is in the earth, all, (and) then save himself.
“Same to Verse No.1”


By no means! it is certainly a flaming fire
“Same to Verse No.1”


“Same to Verse No.1”


It will invite him who turned back (from the truth) and went away
“Same to Verse No.1”


and amassed (wealth) then withheld (it).
“Same to Verse No.1”


“The hasty and niggardly nature of man is described with exception of some good persons whose behavior is also described.”