List Of Sura's

Al Isra (The Night Journey)


Then has your Fosterer selected sons for you and He has (Himself) taken daughters from among the angels? You certainly utter a greatly (dreadful) saying. (R 4)
“Same to Verse No.22”


And We have repeated (various subjects) in this Quran that they may be mindful, but that increases in them nothing but hatred.
Repetition of the subjects in the Quran is to make people mindful.


Say, “”Had there been (other) gods along with Him as they say, then they would have sought a way to the (Real) Owner of the throne (of the universe).””
Everything in the creation glorifies Allah (SWT), He is above all. Had there been other gods, they would have tried to gain control on the throne of the universe, on which only Allah (SWT) has full control.


“Same to Verse No.42”


The seven skies and the earth and whoever is in them, (all) declare His glory, and there is nothing which does not glorify Him by praising Him but you do not understand their glorification. He is certainly Clement, Protectively Forgiving.
“Same to Verse No.42”


The receptive powers of the infidels are sealed therefore they are not able to understand the Quran.


“Same to Verse No.45”


The unjust and those who are astray say that prophet Muhammed (PBH) was under the influence of magic. These verses and Chapter:25 Verses 8–9 clearly prove that Prophet Muhammed (PBH) was never under the influence of magic.


See how they strike similes for you, thus they are astray so they cannot find (the right) way. (P 14 ¼)
“Same to Verse No.47”


Those who are doubtful about life after death are informed that in whatever material or form they are converted after their death, they will be raised alive. They will feel that they stayed in the earth for a very short period because of their being unconscious of time in the state of death, similar to their being unconscious of time during sleep.


“Same to Verse No.49”


or a creation from (something) which you consider great in your minds.”” Then they will say, “”Who will return us (to life)?”” Say, “”He Who initiated your creation the first time.”” Then they will shake their heads towards you and say, “”When will it be?”” Say, “”Perhaps it is near,
“Same to Verse No.49”


on the day He will call you, you will respond by praising Him and you will think that you stayed but for a little while.”” (R 5)
“Same to Verse No.49”


Sometimes we misunderstand people due to their objectionable style of talking, which is due to the instigations of the devil to cause discord among human beings. We are therefore advised to speak to people in a very decent manner.


Your Fosterer knows best about you, If He wills he will have mercy on you and if He wills He will punish you, and We have not sent you as a trustee over them.
The messenger is not responsible for the acceptance or rejection of the message of Allah (SWT) by his people. It is Allah (SWT) Who mercifully guides people or punishes them for their rejection


The knowledge of Allah (SWT) is perfect. He has made some prophets excel others.


Say, “”Pray to those whom you claim (to be gods) besides Him, they do not have the power to remove (any) harm from you nor (even) to change (it).””
Those to whom people pray to besides Allah (SWT), (the reference here may be to some human beings or angels) are powerless. They themselves seek nearness to Allah (SWT) hoping for His mercy and fearing His punishment.


Those whom they pray to, they themselves seek the means of access to their Fosterer (competing to see) which of them is nearer, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment. The punishment of your Fosterer is certainly something to be cautious of.
“Same to Verse No.56”


Every town will be destroyed or punished before the end of the world


And nothing prevents Us from sending the signs except that the ancients (too) denied them. And We gave to Samood, the she-camel which could be seen (clearly), but they were unjust to it (by killing it); and We do not send signs but (to cause) fear.
Many people from the ancient communities did not believe inspite of seeing miracles.